Olympic Torch Relay

As you might expect, I had hoped to be part of the 2012 Paralympic Games. This wasn’t to be as far as cycling was concerned and triathlon didn’t get included in next year’s programme which was a great shame as this is my main sport now. However, I was very grateful to be nominated by lots of people (Thanks!) to carry the Olympic torch on it’s relay route around Great Britain ahead of the games.

Sadly, I havn’t been selected, but I am sure there are a lots of people much more deserving of this than me anyway. I will just have to do my best to make sure we are on the plane to Rio in 2016 when triathlon is included in the Paralympics for the first time!

Here is the email I got from Sebastian Coe: –

Dear Iain,
Thank you for taking the time to be part of the London 2012 ‘Moment to Shine’ Olympic Torchbearer campaign. We had an amazing response and we were delighted with the inspiring stories that were put forward.With an average of 11 nominations for every place, our selection panels were presented with very difficult decisions. There simply weren’t enough slots for everyone who was nominated and unfortunately you have not been chosen to carry the Olympic Flame.

Of course I understand this must be disappointing for you. From your nomination story it’s clear you are an inspirational person and we would still love you to be involved with the Games. You may like to find out about ways to celebrate London 2012 and become a ‘

Local Leader‘ – organising an event for your friends, family or local community.Thank you again,

With all best wishes for the future,

Seb Coe
Chair, London 2012 Organising Committee


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