Spindle Video

It was eight months in the making, involving several separate shoots and lots of time and effort by Greg Hackett and the team at  Spindle Productions Ltd, but they uploaded a video about Tri-Team Dawson on New Year’s Day!

What’s great about this is that Greg put this together simply because he was enthusiastic about the project and triathlon generally rather than it being of any real comercial value. See it  by clicking here.

Hopefully it provides some background and an insight into  my participation in triathlon and the massive team effort involved.

Thanks to Jill, Luke Watson, Mark Philo and Matt Ellis for their time in helping with this. Also thanks to Tri-Anglia Triathlon Club for their support with getting the open water swim footage done.



3 thoughts on “Spindle Video

  1. gina

    Hi Guys

    Think the video is fab…..I have had the kids at school watching it and they keep saying things like “is that really your little brother miss” ha ha!!! But seriously, a fab watch!! Lovely to see you guys last week…..kids missing you loads! George asked today why you have to live so far away, Bless! Hope to see you both soon
    G xx

  2. Jocelyn

    Hi Iain and Jill,

    Great video 🙂

    George was telling me about mustard being made in Norfolk and that you live in a pig sty!!!

    And yes that you live a Long way away and he wants to know why you don’t move nearer to here..

    Love Mum x

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