Whilst outdoor competition has been put on hold for some time now, there’s still been plenty of other things to keep us active and entertained! I’ve been getting my fix by doing the odd challenge and taking part in some…
Entering The Arms Race
Following on from the infamous Nike Vaporfly 4% and their Next % running shoes, a number of companies have now released their own carbon fibre-plated models. Sub-2 hour marathon barrier smashed Being a bit of shoe-geek, I’d looked on with…
Thanks Stan The Man!
I just wanted to say a big thanks to Stan Swanepoel (Tri-Anglia) for all his efforts in Guiding as we prepared for Manchester Marathon (Originally scheduled for April 5th). I’d not been running particular well last year, largely due to…
Update from me
It’s been a strange few weeks. Like most people, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a big influence over our lives here in sunny Norfolk. For starters there’s the restrictions that everyone is facing around staying at home, only going out…
2020 Racing Plans
A few weeks ago I started writing a blog about my racing plans for 2020, albeit a little delayed since I’ve already completed several events, but never finished it. However this has now evolved into a blog about what may…
General Update
Well, Christmas came and went and it’s now almost February! It’s been a busy few months with lots of work but also plenty of training and a few races. Jill and I have been kept busy with work and especially…
Product Review – Schwalbe Pro One Tubeless Tyres
Like a lot of people, and especially (ahem) older cyclists, I was a bit sceptical about the introduction of tubeless tyres over recent years. For those who aren’t bike-geeks there are basically 3 types of bike tyres nowadays: – Tubular…
Ironman Recovery
Before I raced at Ironman Estonia I wondered what my recovery would be like. Previously I have done a couple of middle distance/half Irormans and one long distance tri (about 2/3rd of a full Iron distance event). My recovery was…
Race Report – Ironman Estonia

Somewhat belatedly due to other commitments (and just generally being a bit tardy!), here is my Ironman Estonia report. I’d been thinking about doing an Ironman for several years so was inevitable that I’d get around it to one day.…
A Quick Catch Up
I’ve been a bit tardy in keeping this blog up-to-date recently, so here’s a quick update on things over the last few months in the build up to Ironman Estonia: – 9th June – Old Buckenham 10k: After just about…